Tag Archives: sponsor


We have been working hard for the past 8 years to represent Brazil and CTF-BR in the world of Capture the Flag competitions, and to place the country in a prominent position at a international level. We’ve achieved several results that make us very proud, both as players and as organizers of Pwn2Win CTF, which today is already one of the most renowned CTF competitions. Moreover, we contributed to the country by finding very serious flaws in the brazilian electronic voting machine, which allowed arbitrary code execution, as can be seen at https://urnaeletronica.info/.

Now, the time has come to realize an old dream. An important step for us to start transforming the CTF scenario into something similar to the e-sports scenario, where teams have sponsors and great support behind them. A step towards something that will help to further enhance our results and that will support us to fly higher and higher.

We are pleased to announce our first sponsor, a company that believed in the potential of our team and will be walking with us towards the top of the world, Bug Hunt.

Bug Hunt is a platform where security researchers find companies that are looking to improve the security of their systems even more, report failures and be financially rewarded for it. The platform already has several renowned professionals, including members of our team, and is adding public and private programs frequently.

We are really happy with this partnership, we are sure that it will be successful and will foster the brazilian information security scene!

Together towards the top! \o/

Bug Hunt – A Bug Bounty Platform


Temos trabalhado duro nos últimos 8 anos para representar o Brasil e o CTF-BR no mundo das competições Capture the Flag, e colocar o país em uma posição de destaque no cenário internacional. Conseguimos diversos resultados que nos deixam muito orgulhosos, tanto como players quanto como organizadores do Pwn2Win CTF, que hoje já é uma das mais renomadas competições da cena. Além disso, contribuímos com o país ao acharmos falhas gravíssimas na Urna Eletrônica, que possibilitavam a execução arbitrária de códigos, como pode ser visto em urnaeletronica.info.

Agora, chegou a hora de realizarmos um sonho antigo. Um passo importante para começarmos a transformar o cenário de CTF em algo semelhante ao cenário de e-Sports, onde os times contam com patrocinadores e um grande apoio por trás. Um passo em direção a algo que vai ajudar a potencializar ainda mais nossos resultados e que dará suporte para voarmos cada vez mais alto.

É com prazer que anunciamos nosso primeiro patrocinador, uma empresa que acreditou no potencial do time e estará caminhando conosco rumo ao topo do mundo, a Bug Hunt!

A Bug Hunt é uma Plataforma onde Pesquisadores de Segurança encontram Empresas que estão buscando melhorar cada vez mais a segurança dos seus sistemas, para reportar falhas e serem recompensados financeiramente por isso. A Plataforma já conta com diversos profissionais renomados, incluindo os membros do nosso time, e está adicionando programas públicos e privados com frequência.

Estamos realmente felizes com essa parceria, e temos certeza que será de sucesso e trará vários frutos para a cena brasileira de segurança da informação como um todo!

Juntos rumo ao topo! \o/

Bug Hunt – A Bug Bounty Platform

We are looking for sponsors for the fifth international edition of Pwn2Win CTF. Our event is currently one of the leading competitions on the scene, and we would like to give a worthy prize to our Top 3.

By sponsoring us, your company will earn visibility from the world’s top-notch hackers and, at the same time, help increase awareness in security education and research in a developing country.

About the event:

Pwn2Win is a thematic and multidisciplinary event organized by ELT, an interinstitutional security team from Brazil. It had its first edition in 2014 and became international in 2016. According to CTFTime, it is currently the best event hosted by a team from the Southern Hemisphere, rated >63 points. Throughout our editions, our format has been unique. We have pioneered many kinds of challenges, e.g. FPGA Reversing (2016), Quantum Circuit Reversing (2018), Adversarial Machine Learning (2017), besides many other hardcore challenges (e.g., Shift RegisterBathing and GroomingAttack Step 2016Calc, etc). Our CTFs are always challenging, with many advanced level tasks, but never dull, since we strive to offer a broad collection of challenges for every taste.

If you are interested, contact us via elt at ctf-br.org.